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The Culture Project

December 7, 2018

Listen to the Live Stream

The Benedict XVI Institute

for Sacred Music and Divine Worship

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone


About Benedict XVI Institute

In an America focused on the utilitarian, the busy, the productive, the special mission of the Benedict XVI Institute is to open the door of Beauty to God to as many who choose to get close to Him by that door.  The Institute does this through two great strategies: providing practical resources for more beautiful sacred music and liturgy in parishes and by energizing a Catholic culture of the arts by connecting artists, audiences, and patrons of the arts. Under the leadership of Archbishop Cordileone. The Institute seeks to offer these gifts to the whole people of God, throughout America and beyond.

In each generation for centuries the Catholic imagination has produced great paintings, music, poetry, plays, sculpture, films. Our tradition is both enduring and continuing: not a dead end, but part of a living tree, with deep roots, and new flowers.

About Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone

On March 23, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Bishop Cordileone as the fourth Bishop of Oakland. His Mass of Installation was celebrated on May 5, 2009 at the Cathedral of Christ the Light, Oakland. Three years later, on July 27, 2012, he was appointed the Archbishop of San Francisco and was installed on October 4, 2012, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption.

As the Metropolitan Archbishop of the Province of San Francisco, Archbishop Cordileone received the pallium from Pope Francis in Rome on June 29, 2013.  Archbishop Cordileone is a member of the Canonical Affairs and Church Governance Committee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB); the Board of Trustees, Catholic University of America; the Governing Board of the International Theological Institute; and the Subcommission on the Liturgy for the Anglican Ordinariates.  He recently became chairman-elect of the USCCB Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth and will serve one year in that role before beginning a three-year term as chairman at the conclusion of the bishops' 2019 Fall General Assembly.



Reverend Nathan Cromly, CSJ

Eagle Eye Ministries

The Saint John Institute

Father Nathan Cromly is an informative and engaging speaker, writer, retreat leader, explorer, innovator, and educator. Originally from Toledo, Ohio, Father Nathan is a Catholic priest of the Congregation of Saint John in Denver,Colorado. He has preached to gymnasiums full of teens; led children in adoration; and offered retreats for women, men, and married couples.


He founded Eagle Eye Ministries (including the Eagle Eye Summer Institutes,Ecclesia, Marian Faith Network, and Eagle Eye Excursions programs) in 2003and the annual Saint John Summer Conference in 2009. He is the author of the book Totus Tuus, promoting the DeMontfort consecration to Mary. He has led young adult backpacking trips to Scotland, Norway, Ireland, Iceland, Hawaii,Alaska, New Zealand, and, most recently, the Camino de Santiago from Portugal to Spain.


Father Nathan has appeared on EWTN’s “Life on the Rock” and was featured in their programs “Discovering Damien of Molokai” and “Discovering Patrick – Saint of Ireland.” He hosted a series on Radio Maria and was a guest several times on Relevant Radio and Guadalupe Radio. He is a member of the Apostolate for Family Consecration’s teaching faculty, serves on the Board of Directors for Your Holy Family Ministries, and is the priestly council for the Goretti Group.Father founded the Saint John Institute (SJI) and welcomed its first class of students in July of 2016. The Saint John Institute is a fully accredited MBA program designed to form the future lay leaders of the New Evangelization. SJI Students earn an MBA from Walsh University while receiving instruction in theology and philosophy and praying with the brothers of the Congregation of Saint John in Denver, Colorado. Father Nathan hopes that this ministry, designed as a ministry to form a thousand more, will give glory to God and please the Blessed Mother.

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