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April 6, 2018

Seeds of the Logos

Fr. Thomas Esposito O.Cist.


Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian Abbey

and his new book

"The Roots that Clutch"

(Click the link above to 

view the book listing on Amazon)

Fr. Thomas Esposito was born in California in 1982. After growing up in Nebraska, he entered Our Lady of Dallas in August, 2005. He made his solemn profession on August 15, 2010 and was ordained to the priesthood on August 14, 2011. After completing his doctorate in Biblical Theology at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, he has taught Bible and theology at the University of Dallas and at Cistercian Preparatory School. He has served as Vocations Director for the Abbey since 2013 and as Subprior since 2015.

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Seeds of the LogosApril 6, 2018
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