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Breaking News!

February 3, 2017

From our guest, Susan B. Anthony List President, Marjorie Dannenfelser:


May 4, 2017):


I am so excited to tell you that just moments ago the American Health Care Act passed the U.S. House. This bill does two key things:


  • Ends taxpayer funding of abortion under Obamacare and ensures we have Hyde Amendment protections on Obamacare replacement provisions. This ensures taxpayer dollars are not used to pay for health care plans that cover abortion. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has found that over 1,000 plans on the Obamacare exchanges cover abortion.

  • Defunds Planned Parenthood of $400 million taxpayer dollars and re-directs funding to Community Health Centers that provide REAL health care for women.

It was last night at our 10th Annual Gala that Vice President Mike Pence broke the news that this bill would finally be voted on by the House, and he laid out how important this bill is for the pro-life movement. Here’s what he said:

“This President is unwavering – he is unwavering in his commitment to defend life and protect women and children.  And that commitment will be on full display this week… because tomorrow, thanks to President Trump’s leadership, Congress is going to vote to repeal and replace Obamacare. And when they vote to repeal and replace Obamacare, we will finally defund Planned Parenthood.

When it comes to Obamacare, I don't have to remind anyone in this room that this is why Obamacare has got to go… Obamacare has allowed taxpayer money to be used to purchase health insurance that covers abortion, among all of its other failings…

The bill before the Congress actually eliminates Obamacare’s abortion expansion and it defunds Planned Parenthood, and keeps the President’s promise to devote those resources to healthcare providers that help women without promoting abortion.  

When this bill passes, it, I believe, will be one of the defining victories for life… We're just at the beginning, tomorrow.  The House of Representatives is the first stage; then we head to the United States Senate.  And I want to thank you in advance for all that each one of you will do in the future to help move this legislation forward – to give voice to the voiceless, and bring healing and hope to women…”


Vice President Pence is absolutely right – if we can get this bill with these pro-life priorities to President Trump’s desk, it will be a defining victory for life. 

But getting this to the finish line will not be easy. 

The bill now heads to the Senate where we have a razor-thin pro-life majority. We have no room for error. Because this is a budget reconciliation bill, we can pass it with 51 votes instead of 60. That’s exactly how many solid pro-life votes we have – 50 solid pro-life Senators plus the Vice President to break a tie. You can bet Planned Parenthood will be putting enormous pressure on Senators – especially those up for re-election – to flip their vote. We cannot let that happen. 

And I also must warn you that reconciliation is a complicated process – there are very strict rules governing it. And those rules come into play in the U.S. Senate. Our Hyde Amendment protections in this bill will go under scrutiny. We must make sure this language is preserved. It would be unacceptable for Republicans to pass a health care plan that pays for abortions in any way. 

We are ready to fight hard with you standing by our side. We will be in touch as we move forward and will let you know what you can do to help get this to the finish line!

For Life, 

Marjorie Dannenfelser
Susan B. Anthony List

Copyright © Magis Center.

All rights reserved.

Fr. Robert Spitzer

S.J., Ph.D.

We spoke with r. Robert Spitzer S.J., Ph.D. about Human Freedom, and Happiness, since our ability to understand and develop ourselves and others begins with our existence and our freedom, as endowed by God.  This is the basis of the Faith and Leadership which are the theme of the weekly show. Fr. Spitzer is a Catholic Priest in the Jesuit order (Society of Jesus) and is currently the President of the Magis Center and the Spitzer Center. Magis Center produces documentaries, books, high school curricula, adult-education curricula, and new media materials to show the close connection between faith and reason in contemporary astrophysics, philosophy, and the historical study of the New Testament. Magis Center provides rational responses to false, but popular, secular myths.

We spoke with Marjorie  about our Religious Freedoms, and the Protections of Life and Conscience Rights in our nation. Marjorie is a wife, mother of five children, a former Capitol Hill Lobbyist, and the President and an original organizer of the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), a national pro-life group of more than 465,000 members nationwide dedicated to pursuing policies and electing candidates to reduce and ultimately end abortion.

Marjorie Dannenfelser

Copyright SBA List 2017 .

All Rights Reserved

February 3, 2017Faith and Freedom
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