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September 1, 2017

Hurricane Harvey:

The Human Face of Disaster.  And Recovery.

Listen to the show archive here
























Texas and the Gulf Coast have just suffered an unprecedented weather calamity with Hurricane Harvey's rain, flooding, winds and other extreme weather.  Many thousands of families and residents in the area are displaced and reeling in the aftermath of this storm.


There is hope amidst this tragedy. 

We interview residents and leaders in Houston who are living through the tragedy and are participating in the rebuilding effort and others in the Dallas-Fort Worth area who are leading the work of providing hope, hands and hearts to assist with disaster relief.


There is certainly a tremendous need for material support.  We also thank Dallas Bishop Edward Burns and Fort Worth Bishop Michael Olson for their leadership in North Texas with our flock.  Bishop Burns is asking especially for prayer and spiritual solace at this time.  Parishes in the Dallas diocese will collectively hold an hour of adoration at 7 pm on September 7th, and also pray a Rosary before all Masses on the weekend of September 9-10.  Please visit for more information on these and other initiatives from the Dallas diocese, and about Fort Worth's response.

Catholic Charities of Dallas is leading the relief effort in the Dallas area and Catholic Charities of Fort Worth in Tarrant County.  Please visit for more information and links to their work.

Below is a prayer from the Dallas Diocese Office of Worship that Bishop Burns has asked the faithful to pray for hurricane victims:

Gracious and loving God, We ask you to calm the hurricane, gentle the rains, and send clear skies for the recovery. Spare those who were uprooted and dislocated from further harm. Help those in the storm’s way to return to safety, stability, and security. Open our hearts in generosity to all who have no resources, whether physical, spiritual, or economic. In all things and at all times, help us to remember that when the storms of life come upon us, you are always with us, leading us to shelter, guiding us to safety, comforting us in our need. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Office of Worship, Diocese of Dallas, adapted from Diocese of Austin

Dallas Bishop, Most Reverend Edward J. Burns

President Paul Posoli of Cristo Rey Jesuit Prep in Houston

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