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September 7, 2018Faith and Leadership

Choose Life - The Body Matters!

for reforming our Church & society today






Fr. Jason Cargo


St. Joseph Catholic Church






Monica Ashour

Executive Director 

Theology of the Body Evangelization Team

JoAnna Zabolio

Director of Evangelization


Theology of the Body Evangelization Team

Between 1978 and 1984, Pope St. John Paul II delivered a series of Wednesday audiences that eventually became known as the Theology of the Body. This profound teaching offered what St. John Paul called an “adequate anthropology”—an examination of what it means to be human, made in God’s image and likeness, and how that reality is made visible in our human bodies. TOBET seeks to share this life-affirming message with others through educational resources: books, programs, talks, and seminars will offer hope and healing to a culture in need.  TOBET's brand new curriculum, The Body Matters, for K-8 schools and beyond, is the culmination of many years of research and development for children, families and communities.

TOBET’s Episcopal Advisory Board confirmed the decision to create an original, age-appropriate curriculum for Pre-School to 8th grade children not only to protect them from these negative influences, but also to help them to see the wonder of being made in God’s image and likeness.

The Board is comprised of: 

Archbishop Aquila of Denver, Colorado

Bishop Mike Sis of San Angelo, Texas

Bishop David Konderla of Tulsa, Oklahoma

Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas

Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso, Texas

Bishop Kevin Vann of Orange, California

Monica Ashour

Executive Director 

Theology of the Body Evangelization Team

With 20 years of experience in the classroom, experience working at parishes and youth ministries including St. Mary’s Catholic Church at Texas A&M University as a Campus Ministers, and Master Degrees in Humanities and Theological Studies from the University of Dallas, Monica Ashour comes to us with a breadth and depth of vision that electrifies students and families with the truths of the faith. Orthodox, passionate, and pedagogically adept, Miss Ashour has dedicated her life to evangelization, particularly from the context of  Saint John Paul II's Theology of the Body.  She is one of the founders of Theology of the Body Evangelization Team (TOBET) and with the TOBET team has just launched a complete curriculum for elementary, middle and high schools that unpacks this revolutionarily beautiful and moving teaching.  Find more information at TOBET.ORG.

Joanna Zabolio

Director of Evangelization


With many years of experience in the classroom as an educator and in parish and church life, Joanna brings a passion for her faith to her role as Director of Evangelization at TOBET Press.  In this role, Joanna is engaged in helping schools, parishes and families across the nation and the globe understand and deploy TOBET's brand new The Body Matters curriculum in the classroom and at home as a critical tool to evangelize and form their children and students.  Joanna lives in North Texas with her husband and 4 children.



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