IInIngrid Meyer will bring an actual life-sized Relic of the Our Lady of Guadalupe tilma Image which we will
display at the Guadalupe Radio Network Summer Speaker Series event.
Individuals may approach and touch the relic (something not available to the public at the Shrine in Mexico).
Here is information about the relic image provided by Ingrid:
In 1531, Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared in Mexico as the pregnant Mother of God to a
humble peasant named Juan Diego (now Saint Juan Diego). She left a Miraculous Image
of her appearance on his tilma (cloak), which still exists today for all to see in the Basilica
of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City.
Saint John Paul II authorized the creation of 220 digital replicas of this blessed original
image of Our Lady of Guadalupe for worldwide distribution. These consecrated images
have been declared as Authorized Relics (touched to the original) that extend the graces
of evangelization, conversion and truth to those nations which receive them; the same
graces as extended in 1531.
The fundamental purpose of the consecrated images is to fulfil the prophecy of Pope
Saint John Paul II when he proclaimed, ‘The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be
the center from which the light of the gospel of Christ will illuminate the entire world
by means of the miraculous image of His mother.”
This relic is one of the images sent to the USA that was blessed by St. John Paul
II and commissioned for the International Crusade for LIFE and Mercy. This
image is normally housed in the Chapel of The Highlands School in Irving TX,
but this is a part of Ingrid's ministry to promote devotion to Jesus through the
miraculous apparition of His Blessed Mother.
Ingrid will also be giving two local talks this week on the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Christ centered and her message of LIFE
Why she appeared on Dec. 12th 1531, the Eucharist & human sacrifices
Symbolism and meaning of the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Each talk will be about 45 minutes long.
These will be live-streamed and alsoavaiiable to view by invitation and (free) subscription